Yaroslav’s Court is known as a place of many secrets and legends. We invite you to hear about them during an unusual tour of Yaroslav’s Court and Old Market with Agafya Melisentovna and Zabava Putyatishna. But you will need all your cunning and charm to survive to the end.
Medieval guides: Agafya Melisentovna and Zabava Putyatishna
Location: Yaroslav’s Court
Programme: To earn “Novgorod money” at Opoki, Goats’ Wade and Veche Square, you will not only need to show endurance but also to prove your wits by answering historical trivia, play ball and cup, run on hooves, pass through the Golden Gate, break a bell’s chain, play shalyga (an ancient kind of football), and calculate lengths in ells (cubits).
Tour cost 3,900 roubles an hour for a group of up to 25 people
Tickets can be booked online at redizba.ru
Krasnaya Izba Tourism Development Centre
Address 5 Sennaya Square, Veliky Novgorod
Open 9:30 am to 6 pm daily, no lunch break
Phone +7 816 277 3074, +7 905 290 8686
Email info@visitnovgorod.ru