Title: Interactive tour of the Old Market with Nastasya the Novgorod merchant’s daughter
Itinerary Interactive dramatisation for children*
Medieval guide Nastasya, the daughter of a Novgorod merchant
Location: Yaroslav’s Court
*For children 8 and up
The programme An educational and entertaining journey through time with Nastasya, the daughter of a Novgorod merchant, who will take you around Yaroslav’s Court, telling stories about Novgorodian and foreign merchants, and the most famous girl in the city.
You will be able to learn about the Hanseatic Schra and where public assemblies (veche) were held and what they did, read ancient documents and learn how long a Novgorod ell is. If you solve all of Nastasya’s riddles, you will get a chance to read the text of a 13th -century birchbark document. Read it correctly and win a prize!
Tour cost 2,950 roubles for a group of up to six people
Tickets can be booked online at redizba.ru
Krasnaya Izba Tourism Development Centre
Address 5 Sennaya Square, Veliky Novgorod
Open 9:30 am to 6 pm daily, no lunch break
Phone +7 (8162) 77-3074, +7 (905) 290-8686
Email info@visitnovgorod.ru