The Government Of
The Novgorod Region
Tourist portal Novgorod Region
About route

Visit the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Kholova, attend a church service and take part in the Holy Cross Procession towards the Tochenka River, where the miracle-working icon of St Paraskevi was discovered. Taking a dip in a local creek, which is believed to have healing properties, has become popular beyond the Novgorod Region. Legend has it that locals saw the image of the icon of St Paraskevi on a tree near the Tochenka River. Soon after that, water spouted from a creek nearby and is said to have healed even hopeless cases. The creek is now frequented by those who see this as godsend.


Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Kholova
Healing creek on the Tochenka River

Estimated cost free


Телефон: 8(81659) 5-45-64; 8-921-738-18-87

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