Konstantin Posse was a professor at St Petersburg University. Over the 50 years he devoted to research and teaching, Konstantin Posse nurtured several generations of mathematicians. He was a man of many talents. When he played the piano, “we would hear the instrument sing, laugh, cry, moan or thunder, conveying fear or something sweet about life as we never saw it,” his younger brother recalled. Konstantin Posse was a proactive member of a literature foundation and loved theatre. In his younger years he was friends with Nikolai Miklukho-Maklai, who would go on to become a famous explorer. The two brothers and their three sisters shared the Petrovskoye estate until 1874, when Ivan Korsakov, a bachelor of law who would later own an ethanol purification factory in Borovichi, bought the estate. Soon the Uglovka – Borovichi railway line was built near the estate.