On 24-25 July, Valdai National Park invites everyone to take part in the #VseNaTropu flashmob.
You will visit the Ivanye Woodlands and Forest Secrets eco-trails «Иваньи перелески», «Лесные тайны»,, as well the Great Valdai Trail eco route «Большая Валдайская Тропа». Please come and enjoy a fascinating weekend in the Novgorod Region, get a boost of positive energy and feel at one with nature.
Don’t forget to take a selfie at the eco-trails or at the Great Valdai Trail, publish it on your social network account with the hashtags #ИваньиПерелески, #ЛесныеТайны, #НациональныйПаркВалдайский, #БольшаяВалдайскаяТропа and receive a souvenir with the park logo at the tourist information centre in the park on 24-25 July.
Please note that you need a ticket to visit Valdai National Park. To learn more, please go to https://valdaypark.ru/shop/