The Government Of
The Novgorod Region
Tourist portal Novgorod Region
In the center of Lyubytino settlement on the bank of the Belaya River is the Beloe estate. Its owner was Ivan Logginovich Goremykin, he worked as Chairman of the Council of Ministers. The family estate was inherited fr om his parents.

A wooden house was built in 1846 in place of the old one. The plan of the structure is the same as the previous one. Inside there were 22 rooms, a library with old Russian, German, French, as well as handwritten books. In the house in many rooms on the walls hung hereditary icons, stood mahogany furniture, stored things from the era of Catherine the Great and Peter the Great, oil and watercolor portraits, ancient manuscripts.

Inside the Beloye estate there was a chapel equipped with ancient stone crosses. A family cemetery was organized on the pogost, wh ere Goremykin's ancestors were buried.

In the last century in the 20s the manor burned down. During the fire only the house of the manager was not damaged. Some books and things were saved, but most of the relics were destroyed by fire.

Now the manor is recognized as an architectural monument, taken under the protection of the state.

Currently, the building houses a rural school of arts.
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